
Can hardcore porn be sensual and share the same level of artistic merit as softcore erotic photography? Yes, it can and the exquisite glamcore action of SexArt is the perfect example. They've recruited young women from Ukraine, the Czech Republic and other parts of Europe to film girl-on-girl scenes and couples sex with similarly fit men. Production values are through the roof definitely doing justice to the beauties filling each scene. SexArt is mobile-responsive and has many customizable features, like the light or dark color scheme and the shape of thumbnails. There's a simple and basic or enhanced navigation option, too, and items like tags and comments can be hidden or displayed. In terms of browsing tools, content can be sorted and there's an advanced search. You can rate and comment on shoots and your recent feedback can be looked over in your Activity feed. The Favorites section has multiple tabs for pics, vids, performers and artists (i.e.filmmakers).